Political Winds Offer Favorable Support For Tibet

Political Winds Offer Favorable Support For Tibet

Image: archivenet

With the Congressional ink still drying on the sign-off of billions of arms to be shipped to Israel and Ukraine, endorsing, sustaining; and enabling slaughter and misery. A weary and understandable cynicism and disillusionment can set in. Government and trust has become an oxymoron.

Politics though, like a flag, changes course according to the prevailing winds, so that sometimes, a positive and supportive outcome materializes. Most recently the Senate passed the Resolve Tibet Act which affirms to:

A bill which affirms, in accordance with US policy, the conflict between Tibet and China is unresolved; and that Tibet’s legal status remains to be determined in accordance with international law.

Furthermore the bill defines Tibet to include the so-called T.A.R and the Tibetan areas Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu & Yunnan provinces (in truth the historic and legitimate Tibetan regions of U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo).

It also states that the office of U.S. Special Co-ordinator for Tibetan Issues shall work with other U.S agencies to counter disinformation about Tibet by the Chinese Communist Party, including disinformation about Tibet’s history and institutions. The bill also authorizes the office to take other actions to counter such disinformation.

Political Winds Offer Favorable Support For Tibet

Image: archivenet

This is a welcome and long overdue expression of support for Tibet’s people and their just cause for national freedom. It should be recognized as such and worked with to ensure the maximum possible benefit can be realized to assist the struggle waged by Tibetans. It is, in the main, a resounding declaration of support for Tibet, its right to freedom, recognition of historic sovereignty and human rights for Tibetans. Bravo to all those who made this happen.

Of course it is not without flaw, and we note in Section Three of the bill, that it states:

“..the Tibetan people are a people entitled to the right of self-determination under international law,” Source: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/138/text

On the surface that appears reasonable and in strong solidarity, which on one level it is. However, it fails to define which form of ‘self-determination’ the bill refers too, a deficiency we’d hope Tibetans will seek clarity on. This is because within international law ‘internal self-determination’ is the right of the people of a state to govern themselves without outside interference. Whereas ‘External self-determination’ is the right of peoples to determine their own political status and to be free of alien domination, including formation of their own independent state. Which of these conditions would the people of occupied Tibet, and their exiled fellow Tibetans desire most?

Political Winds Offer Favorable Support For Tibet

Image: @tibettruth

To the occasional voice that dismisses this bill as self-serving posturing from the political establishment. Does this demonstration of solidarity from the Congress and Administration serve (with respect to China) the current strategic and political interests of the United States? Of course – such is realpolitik. Have Tibetans been extended support previously, only to be betrayed and abandoned by the USA? Indeed, most notably by the withdrawal support for the Tibetan resistance after Nixon’s outreach to China.

But those realities should not be a reason to reject the opportunities and much needed assistance these policy developments offer to Tibetans who are tirelessly seeking to secure greater support and exposure for Tibet.

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A not-for-profit network of individuals who support justice, human rights and independence for the peoples of Tibet and East Turkestan. Based in a number of countries subscribers are actively engaged voluntarily and are wholly supportive and active on the issue of Tibetan independence. We are not a hierarchical organization, there are no offices, nor do we receive or pay salaries, we do not make money from merchandising sales, and rely upon the kindness of individual donors to finance ongoing research and campaigns.

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