China’s Genocide Against Tibet & East Turkistan

China's Genocide Against Tibet & East Turkistan

Image: archivenet

China is intensifying its DNA terrorism against not only its own people but Tibetans, Uyghurs, Mongolians and Manchurians. There is of course no choice when the jack-booted thugs stop you in the street, march into your place-of-work, or breakdown your front door.

You comply and give up your blood and saliva or face torture and prison. To think that Thermo-Fisher, a good ‘ol American corporation is profiting from this tyranny by supplying the Chinese regime with ‘testing kits’

Meanwhile in occupied Tibet the oppression continues under the ever present surveillance systems, facial recognition cameras and body-scanner check-points. To further eradicate any sense of Tibetan cultural identity the people of Tibet are being coerced into removing Buddhist prayer flags

These latest actions, set against the backdrop of over a million Uyghurs held in concentration camps and Tibet in chains, its children forced to speak only Chinese is a form of genocide that Himmler and his Nazi thugs would have recognized!

To those who claim any parallel with the harrowing crimes of National Socialist Party is invalid and inaccurate you are referred to the Tibetan women whose lives have been forever traumatized by China’s mass-sterilization program. Or talk with an elderly Uyghur woman now without her family, all held in the camps, while she is daily enduring the misery of carrying out forced-labor.

If that doesn’t convince you pay a visit to one of the countless detention centers across occupied East Turkistan where thousands of Uyghur infants are being held, heartbroken, confused and in shock at being taken from their Mothers and Fathers. This is child abuse on an industrial  scale.

What is being inflicted upon the Tibetan and Uyghur people is nothing less than cultural genocide, some may wince at the analogy, tough!

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A not-for-profit network of individuals who support justice, human rights and independence for the peoples of Tibet and East Turkestan. Based in a number of countries subscribers are actively engaged voluntarily and are wholly supportive and active on the issue of Tibetan independence. We are not a hierarchical organization, there are no offices, nor do we receive or pay salaries, we do not make money from merchandising sales, and rely upon the kindness of individual donors to finance ongoing research and campaigns.

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2 thoughts on “China’s Genocide Against Tibet & East Turkistan”

  1. Please do not use Swastika to symbolize genocide and evil.It is a sacred and holy sybol for Buddhists,Hindus,Jains and perhaps many more people.Just because the Nazis hijacked this symbol for their evil regime does not make it evil.
    Nazis were evil.Swastika is not.Please refrain from perpetuating the western fallacy.Thank you.

    1. Tarun, we are very aware of the ancient history of the Yungdrung symbol, and its use across many other cultures, including of course Hinduism. Our article however is entirely justified in featuring the the red, white and black emblem of the National Socialists. You of course have expressed your view, which we have included, our response is our last comment on this. Thank you for your interest.

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